Application license Hydric Resources

Application license Hydric Resources

Many of you by now may have heard about the need/obligation to register any water resources on your propery. If not please read my article on this subject on:

This application has to be done before the 31st. of May 2009. In case one is caught after this date one could de heavily fined.

Fines for individuals start at  € 25.000 whilst companies will get a minimum fine of  € 60.000.

Our office can assist or take care for you of the intial request to the AHR.

Cost involved for this initial request will be € 80 ex. VAT for 1 water resource excluding fees/licences to be paid to the authorities.

In case your property has more than 1 resouce an additional € 12,50 for each source will be charged.

This fee will include collecting the necessary paperwork, filling in the forms, a meeting in our office to discuss your case and if necessary a site visit (within Lagos and Portimão) council.

Any further work resulting from this request will be charged seperately on an hourly bases + expenses.

For example: It will be most likely that in case you have a bore hole for domestic use you will be asked to have the water tested for human consumption in a qaulified lab. 

Please contact our Lagos office:

Tel: 282768821 Fax: 282768827 or by e-mail

Last updated on